Guilford has 12 Town Cemeteries: Maplehurst, Elmhurst, Lee, Carpenter, Blanchard (Old North), Weatherhead Hollow, Wilkins Hill, Stark, Billings, Burrows Plain, Colgrove and Groll. Download Guilford Cemeteries Map & Guide.

The Cemetery Commission may grant and/or convey by deed, lots in Town owned cemeteries and may make regulations governing the sale, price and care of the lots. Cemetery Commissioners may set aside a portion of a Town cemetery for the burial of indigent persons, and may make regulations for the use of this special area. Cemetery Commissioners may maintain the public cemeteries and hire someone to perform this work. The expenses, not to exceed the budget approved at the annual Town Meeting, are paid by the Selectboard, drawing orders on the town treasury.

Cemetery Commissioners are elected to staggered 5-year terms from the floor during Town Meeting. Cemetery Commission meets on the third Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m.  When the weather is favorable the meetings are held at a different cemetery each month.  In case of rain, or during the winter, meetings are held at the Town Office. Members of the public are welcome.

The Cemetery Commissioners (and not the Selectboard) may appoint individuals to fill vacancies on the board.

Cemetery Commission

Verandah Porche      
Carol Schnabel
Nancy Detra
Eric Morse
Kyle Parker, chair2028