Selectboard Minutes, 08.22.2022

Monday, 22 August 2022, 6:30 pm, 236 School Road, Guilford, VT


SELECTBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Zon Eastes, Chair, Michael Becker (by Zoom) , Rusty Marine, Verandah Porche, Richard Wizansky
OFFICIALS/ STAFF PRESENT:  Sheila Morse (Asst. Town Administrator), Dan Zumbruski (Road Commissioner)
PRESENT in person: Kyle Parker, Steve Lembke, Jeannette Tokarz (Planning Commission), Dolores Clark
PRESENT via Zoom: Anna Klein, Don McLean, Lesley Malouin, Emily Lewis (DuBois and King), Jason Herron, Rick Zamore, Whitney Lynde, Tammy Sargent

Call to Order at 6:30 pm

Recognition of Public 

Rules of Procedure and How to Communicate with the Selectboard

Welcoming of Public – Community Comment Period

Lesley Malouin: Guilford Christ Church (Cemetery) wants to hear stories about the cemetery’s history from local residents. Summer Soirée Sunday, 8/28 from 2 – 4 pm. Musicians and poets will participate. Donations welcome!  Connect via  

Changes to Agenda Order NONE

Approval of Minutes                                                                           (5 minutes)

Regular Meeting – ACTION Richard moved to approve the minutes as written. Rusty seconded. All were in favor. None were opposed. No one abstained. Motion carried.


Highway Report

Dan noted that the crew has been mowing. Wednesday, 8/24, Butternut Hill will be closed from 8:30 to noon to put 2 culverts in place. With the rain, the crew will be grading soon. 

ACTION Richard moved that we depart from Guilford’s regular vendor selection process to appoint Allstate Asphalt as the sole source vendor for paving the portion of Guilford Center Road from Route 5 to Tater Lane while they are already in place to repave the southern portion of Guilford Center Road, pending receipt of formal pricing not to exceed $90,000 to the Town. Verandah seconded.  All were in favor. None were opposed. No one abstained. Motion carried.

Planning Commission

Zon noted that the Town Plan has been accepted by Windham Regional Commission and thanked everyone in Guilford who participated in bringing the Town Plan to create this plan. 

Jeannette noted that we now have 8 years of work ahead of us to articulate priorities and create a road map to help with decision-making and authorizing use of funds. She is pursuing a municipal planning grant to hire a strategic planning consultant to get us there. In the past, funding has come from the ACCD, we may find other sources of funding. WRC, per Steve Lembke, suggests that the consultant can draw information from a wide range of sources with the assistance of a consultant.

Guilford Center Village Designation Application: since the Town Plan is finished we can apply for renewal of the Guilford Center Village Designation. Richard moved and Rusty seconded that the application for renewal be submitted to the State. All were in favor. None were opposed. No one abstained. Motion carried.

Old Business

Extension of DuBois & King contract to 10.31.22                              2 minutes
Zon moved and Richard seconded that we extend the DuBois and King contract to 10.31.222. All were in favor. None were opposed. No one abstained. Motion carried.

Guilford Center Bike and Pedestrian Study Report                            25 minutes
Presentation by Emily Lewis from DuBois and King of their draft final report. The final report will be posted on and in the Town Office. The draft report has been sent to VTrans to review, and to Town officials. Emily will take any comments from reviewers and make revisions as needed before submitting the final report to the Town. Alternatives proposed meet ADA requirements. With regard to ongoing maintenance, Emily will research and send to Guilford this week. She welcomes questions or comments from the Planning Commission and the Selectboard.

Dan noted that, with the September paving project, the Guilford Center Road portion will include shoulders widened to the extent possible, at no extra cost.

Zon thanked DuBois and King for their work and noted that the SB will need to study this report and the recommendations. Richard noted that it was a well-done study.

Adopt Local Hazard Mitigation Plan                                                   5 minutes
Zon noted that this is a huge accomplishment. Town is now qualified to apply for ERAF money (additional funds from FEMA). ACTION Richard moved and Rusty seconded that we adopt the plan. All were in favor. None were opposed. No one abstained. Motion carried. (Michael noted that perhaps the number of farms listed on page 3 of the plan may be inaccurate. If that’s true, the plan will be corrected. Verandah noted that the clause refers to working dairy farms.)

New Business – NONE


Warrants                                                                                 (5 minutes)

Payroll – WE 08/14/22$7,366.86
Payroll – WE 08/21/22$6,762.85
Expense Warrant #2204$17,970.96

ACTION Verandah moved to pay the finance warrants as read. Richard seconded. All were in favor. None were opposed. None abstained. Motion carried.

Other Business – NONE

Communications Richard read recent communications. 

Executive Session to discuss personnel issue 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(3) to discuss the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee.

ACTION Zon moved to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel issue 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(3) to discuss the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee, and to invite Dan Zumbruski and Sheila Morse to participate. Verandah seconded.  All were in favor. None were opposed. None abstained. Motion carried.

The Selectboard entered into Executive Session at 7:35

ACTION Zon moved to exit Executive Session at 8:05. Richard seconded. All were in favor. None were opposed. None abstained. Motion carried.

ACTION Zon moved to post a job description for an assistant road foreman and road crew member. Richard seconded.  All were in favor. None were opposed. None abstained. Motion carried. IT was noted that we will recruit for two levels of road crew on social media town website and papers; VLCT and perhaps other relevant sites.

ACTION Zon moved and Richard seconded to form a task force to include Verandah and Michael to interview candidates. All were in favor. None were opposed. None abstained. Motion carried.

Action Summary from Previous Meeting – NONE

Actions Taken  – approved Village Center designation application, adopted local hazard mitigation plan, approved warrants and posting job description for road crew positions 

Actions to be Taken – review draft Bike and Pedestrian Scoping study and submit comments to Sheila to pass along to Emily. Post position opening.


ACTION Verandah moved to adjourn. Richard  seconded. All were in favor. None were opposed. None abstained. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm

Meeting video –

Next Selectboard Meeting: September 12, 2022, at 6:30 pm  

Zon Eastes, Chair         _____________________________________

Michael Becker           _____________________________________

Rusty Marine              _____________________________________

Verandah Porche        _____________________________________

Richard Wizansky        ____________________________________