This is a photo of Major Edward Houghton and his wife Ruth Bridgman Houghton posing. Major Edward Houghton was born in 1765 and died in 1845 and his wife was born in 1764 and died in 1832. Ruth has a bonnet with a ribbon on it.  She has a large white separate collar over her dress with a bow. She is not smiling. Her husband on the right is wearing a suit with a white undershirt with a popped collar. The jacket appears to look black or gray.

The description offered on the back of this photograph says this, “Old photographs made from very old portraits, Edward Jr., son of Edward and Lucretia “Major Edward Houghton, father of Lucretia Houghton Martin wife of Willard Martin, born 1764, died 1832.” The captions say, “ Major Edward Houghton. Father of Lucretia Houghton Martin wife of Willard Martin B. 1765 D. 1845” and “Ruth Bridgman Houghton. Mother of Lucretia Houghton Martin Wife of Willard Martin. B. 1764 D. 1832.” This seems to be confusing and we cannot offer an accurate history.

The Guilford Historical Society