Recreation Commission Minutes, 03.22.2023

Guilford Recreation Commission Meeting
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 –  6:30-7:30

 Attending: Mary Wallace-Collins, Kelsy Allan, Chris Zappala, Verandah Porche, Selectboard Liaison

I. Recognition of Public:  
Elina Koumjian, who is considering joining the Recreation Commission as a member.
Chris Beebe joined the meeting at 7 pm to discuss the VT Climate Catalyst 
Energy Committee grant for E-bikes

II. Call to Order:

III. New Additions:  
The addition of funds for background checks in the Town Budget prompted a discussion of how the Rec. Commission would initiated these for new members.

IV. Changes to Agenda:
Due to arrival times of various participants the order of agenda items was shuffled.

V. Approval of Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting held January, 12, 2023 were approved with the addendum that Reagan Beebe resigned from the Commission. The copy of the minutes that went out contained a typo regarding this resignation.

VI. Finances:
Mary will contact the new town administrator for the current finances.

VII. Old Business:
1. Commission members:
The commission discussed how to attract new members.
2. ski returns:
While there is still ample snow, The Commission will be collecting the Bill Koch Nordic Skiing Program ski equipment in April. Participants will be contacted with when, where, and how to drop off their equipment.

VIII. New Business:

1. E-bikes at the library -Chris Beebe presented news about Guilford being granted funds to purchase two E-bikes that will be kept at and borrowed from the Guilford Free Library. Chris asked if The Rec. Commission would agree to storing the bikes in the small shed there, currently for the Nordic Ski equipment. Commissioners were amenable to the proposal, but will find alternative storage for the ski equipment during the Summer months.

Chris also asked for input on the development of maps of Guilford, including recreational sites, that would be available as part of an effort to increase bicycle ridership in Guilford. There was some discussion of how the e-bikes might be part of the Rec. Commission’s annual bike night held in June.

2. Egg hunt: The Commission had a successful Egg hunt/celebration of Spring last year and hopes to host such an event this year.  The Commission discussed moving the egg hunt and the Wake Up The Earth celebration from its planned Saturday before Easter to a date later in April. 

3. Playscape – Mary is contacting contractors about grooming the trail at the Playscape to make it ADA compliant. Several other additions to the playscape were mentioned, such as a need for shade at the Playscape and possible water testing at the height of Summer. The Commission will explore setting up a Playscape Committee to deal specifically with the maintenance of this town resource.

4. Halloween party in October The Commission discussed the possibility of having the 7- piece Dysfunctional Family Jazz Band play a maskarade ball on Saturday, October 21, 2023. While the Commission felt it may be too big an event to host themselves, commissioners will explore partnering with other town organizations to stage the event.

5. Ideas for next meeting -everyone

VIII. Adjournment:  7:33pm